Hazel’s Annual Storytelling 2024
Going Deep Local

At this live Zoom talk December 7, 2024 we heard Hazel sharing their latest reading and thoughts on indigenous language and the making of place, the patchy anthropocene and more.

Hazel’s Annual Storytelling 2023
Tending the Land as People of Place

A live Zoom talk December 2, 2023 has Hazel in fine form with stories, homilies, book reviews and winter cheer.

The Rewilding Podcast: Social Forestry with Hazel

Permaculture is one of the most effective tools for creating alternative subsistence strategies to the extractive ones that dominate our world today. We need to listen to the elders of the movement and hear all they have endured and accomplished.

Hazel’s Annual Storytelling 2022
Craeft, Basin and Range

A live Zoom talk December 3, 2022 brings us to the diversity of our heritage and our relationship with place.

North American Rewilding Conference, Keynote

January 2022, Hazel addresses the North American Rewilding Conference on indigenation and the state of the world.

The Re-enchantment of the World

Hazel’s Annual Storytelling, December 2021. When we connect with our epic stories, we sink into the land. With the help of cultural wisdom, imaginative explorations, and direct nature knowledge, Humans can bloom and find our way to re-enchantment.

10 Steps to Localization; Becoming a People of Place

At the Fall Equinox we gathered to start the Winter story telling season. The most enticing future beckons us to facilitate the return of Salmon, Beaver, and Cultural Fire to prairies, forests, and headwaters.

Coppice Craft with the Native Plant Society, Siskiyou Chapter

Tending to native traditional-use shrubs yields products and persistence. Controlling exuberant exotics can also yield products while reducing fuel loads, pre-empting seedset, and preventing further spread. Coppice growth can be stimulated with fire, browsing, and cutting.

Social Forestry with Hazel Ward

Presentation with City Repair March, 2021

This Winter We Dream; the eco-future beckons

Annual Storytelling 2020

2020 Acorn Culture Radio interview with Melanie Mindlin

Following the October workshop Reanimating Acorn Culture with Jon Carlson and Melanie Mindlin, this interview was recorded on KMUD radio.

2018 Keynote Northern California Permaculture Convergence

Social Forestry with Hazel, 2018 Norcal Permaculture Convergence

1830 – Optical Surveying and Social Forestry with Hazel

by The Permaculture Podcast

Hazel on the Permaculture Podcast with Scott Mann

Sept. 20, 2018

CHECK OUT THE PODCAST, with list of associated resources.

Permaculture Keyline Water Systems.

Tom Ward takes us on a tour of key line systems at Wolf Gulch Farm. Hazel’s most watched video produced by Andrew Millison.

Winter Forestry in the Oak Pine Savannah

A Visionary Tale of How We Can Persist on this Fire Adapted Landscape Without Burning Down! As told by Hazel.
2017 Annual Storytelling

Ponds; Ridge vs. Valley dams

Permaculture Perspectives on Wildfire

Interview with Tom Ward aka Hazel by Andrew Millison for Earth Repair Radio.

Now. Then, Forever: a State of the Bioregion Story

Told by Tom ward aka Hazel’s 2016 annual storytelling.

Fire: Hazel’s Siskiyou Permaculture Social Forestry 2017


December, 2015
Storytelling event at Jackson Wellsprings
Thank you David Munson for a wonderful job filming the event.

Part 2


November 2015
Hazel tells a traditional story in Penny Livingston’s living room.

Acorn Woman and her Ecological Consorts

Tom Ward aka Tomi Hazel’s 2014 Annual Storytelling, Ashland, Oregon
Currently not available by link. Contact us if you want access to this.

Acorn Woman is the guardian spirit of the White Oak tree, an ecologically key species of the forest in our region, especially in the oak pine savannah. The White Oak has a high degree of connectivity in ecosystems, which is called implication, a poetic word in the English language with lots of different implications. White Oak, Acorn Woman, the Triple Goddess, the White Goddess, Diana the huntress, all of these are associated with the White Oak in different cultures, in different places, showing us the central ecological importance of the White Oak tree. Because she’s such a strong woman, she has many consorts, the spirit animal plant guild of the White Oak. We’re going to meet her friends and talk about their relationships to her and to each other, and learn about our relationships to this place.


Dec. 16, 2013 Storytelling with Tom Ward aka Tomi/Hazel
2 hrs. This is the complete event.


Tom Ward’s Keynote Speech



PROPERTY WALK THROUGH: Tom Ward with Andrew Millison

Filmed for OSU Beaver State Permaculture.


2 hour presentation of a slide show given in January 1995. The subject is Tom’s four months at Thlolego Learning Centre near Rustenburg, South Africa in the fall of 1994. Tom was there to teach a PDC and support village development with technical advice and help. This was just after Nelson Mandela was elected president and the revolution had not yet fully settled down. Tom says, “I learned a lot and taught the PDC in seven languages under translation with lots of break out discussion groups.”

Permaculture Strategies for a Home Centered Economy

2 hour video of Tom Ward’s talk, November 2010 (very poor video quality, and starts 10 minutes into the talk, but the sound is fine so you can listen to the bulk of the talk.)


Optical Surveying
October 11-16, 205
Essential skills for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant.

PINA Calendar
Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.