Talks & Sponsored Events

Going Deep Local
Saturday, December 7, 2024
This event will be on Zoom. Register Here.
Courses and Workshops
Internship Program, by Application only
Dec. 8-16, 2024
Wolf Gulch Farm, little Applegate
In this experiential work opportunity, you will join Hazel at their homestead and social forestry experimental station for 6 days of forestry and natural building using hand tools. 4-6 hour work days will be combined with discussions and group food preparation and camp maintenance. Full Internship Description.
Cost $300, includes camping. Interns bring their own food. Interns should have either taken the Social Forstry course or read the whole Social Forestry book. Contact us for more information or application.
February 8-13, 2025
Wolf Gulch Farm, little Applegate
Social Forestry connects villages and communities to their forested water catchment basin. Here in a developed industrial empire, the forests are lonely. We have lost our sense of living with forests as friends. We will explore reconnecting with forests through ecological knowledge, the use of hand tools and woodscrafts, seasonal festivals and work cycles, childrens’ stories, pilgrimages and stewardship covenants. We will learn ecological assessment, carbon sequestration methods, restoration forestry and the crafts and products that can be enjoyed while we are re-establishing our heart space and wonder in the woods. Full Course Description.
Course Price: $900, includes camping, bring your own food. Early registration until Jan 8, 2025: $850. This course has sold out for the last few years, so register early.
Next Date TBA, Ashland Oregon
This PDC is held over 6 weekends. This is the permaculture certificate course offered around the world with lots of local flavor included. This course is taught by Hazel, Karen Taylor and Melanie Mindlin plus special guests. Full Course Description.
Course Price for 2022 was $850. Early registration $750.
Unscheduled Courses
Advanced permaculture course
Wolf Gulch Farm, little Applegate
Basic surveying and layout are essential skillsets for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant. In this 6 day course, Hazel teaches the use of analog (non-battery operated) surveying tools, along with advanced skills in keyline, pond and swale layout, mapping and other core knowledge necessary for design and execution of permaculture projects. Full Course Description.
Course Price: $850, includes camping, bring your own food. Early registration $750 until Sept.21, 2023.
Reanimate Acorn Culture
Weekend Workshop with Jon Carlson and Melanie Mindlin
Foots Creek Rd., Gold Hill
Explore balanoculture with stories and information on the history of oaks and acorn use, acorn nutrition and recipes. Gather, sort, shell, grind, leach and cook with us. Full Workshop Description.
Cost $100-150, sliding scale includes camping. Bring your own food. Some accommodations available.
Intermediate Permaculture Workshop
Gain confidence in your design skills with this workshop focused on permaculture site assessment and conceptual design for a site that includes many components of permaculture such as forestry, farming, water catchment and/or community involvement. This 3-4 day workshop is offered at the intermediate level. Full Course Description.
This botany course is a 6-day field intensive designed to be an esential part of training for stewards of earth repair, practitioners of Social Forestry or simply an opportunity to delve into the world of plants. We will look at plants within their ecological and ethnobotanical contexts, exploring the eco-tones of our laboratory: the Little Applegate valley within the bio-region of the Siskiyous. Through storytelling, drawing, plant walks, discussion and botanical survey, we will hone our observation skills, gain fluency in identifying plants, use plan family key recognition chracteristics and build aptitude with analog plant identification resources. In this field immersion, we will experience coming into relationship with the plant workd with all our senses. Full Course Description.

If you or your organization are curious about permaculture, but are not ready or able to take the whole Permaculture Design Course, we can offer an introduction tailored to your region or organization. An introduction can be anything from 2 hours to 2 days. More information about the Introduction to Permaculture.