Social Forestry; Tending the Land as People of Place

by Tomi Hazel Vaarde, Published 2023 by Synergetics Press

With a forward by Starhawk. Published by Synergetic Press, 2023. List price $29.95


Thank you to everyone who contributed and bought the book through the crowdfunding campaign. 400 books were sold, reaching 63% of our goal. The books were mailed out on April 17th.

Siskiyou Permaculture is not selling the book online. You can purchase it from us at any of our in-person events. Check the schedule in the right hand box. The list price is $29.95.

If you’re not able to connect with us in person, we recommend that you ask your independent bookstore to order it for you. The book is published by Synergetic Press which uses normal distribution channels. You should be able to get the book this way in most parts of the globe without additional shipping expenses. Additionally, this will draw attention to the book at your local store. Of course, you can also get it through the usual on-line vendors.

See the book review at Kirkus Reviews.


Climate adaptation, human survival, and conservation efforts to maintain biodiversity that supports life on Earth require radical, back-to-the-roots grounding and intentional dedication. Social Forestry: Tending the Land as People of Place helps readers remember the ways of the wild while implementing local food production, collaboration with conservation efforts, forest management, and stabilization of headwaters to build resilience for the long term. To live in harmony with our surroundings, we need to re-skill, always remembering those who came before us and acting in ways that honor traditional wisdom of people and place.  

The Rewilding Podcast, April 2023: Peter Bauer interviews Hazel about Social Forestry.

Permaculture is a design science for creating regenerative landscapes. In rewilding, we often perceive it as a kind of technology based on ancient hunter-gatherer-horticultural subsistence strategies from around the world. While there are many valuable criticisms about permaculture (just as there are about rewilding), it is still one of the most effective tools for creating alternative subsistence strategies to the extractive ones that dominate our world today. To understand how far we’ve come, we need to listen to the elders of the movement and hear all they have endured and accomplished to get us where we are today. Hazel Varrde is one such elder for me, and the rewilding community.

Praise for Social Forestry

“Social Forestry by Tomi Hazel Vaarde is a book of hope. Hazel shows how our relationship with the Earth and her forests does not have to be an extractive on leading to destruction. Through cooperating together we can regenerate our forests and rewild ourselves and the land, growing hope as ecosystems recover while empires crumble.”
Vandana Shiva, PhD, author of Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture

“Step into this manzanita-burning charcoal dirigible for the wildest ride you can imagine through Gaelic seasonal rhythms, Quaker ethics, medieval guild practice, permaculture insights, and deep-rooted tree goddess wisdom. . . .

Read more . . .


Thank you for working on the Crowdfunding campaign:
Karen Taylor, Melanie Mindlin, Julia Plevin, Isaak Oliansky

Thank you for contributing to the Crowdfunding campaign.
See the whole list of contributors.

Sean Corwin
Jordan Fink
Marvin Warren
Noel Ruiz
Lindsey Dailey
Hanya Zwick

George Payapilly
Gwen Davies
Julia Plevin
Erik Schneider
Courtney Adkins
Paul Kearsley

Braxton Reed
Jessi and Joe Pongrantz
Andrew Cushman
Megan Fehrman
Dave Boehnlein

Sawyer Bird
Jude Hobbes
Paola Smith
Kelpie Wilson
Chlesea Pell




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