Before coming to the Social Forestry course, you may want to do some reading to be better prepared to make the most of your time with us.  Here are some suggestions.

Hazel’s Articles

Other Articles

Hazel’s Videos

Recommended Books

  • Botany in Day, The Patterns Method of Plant Identification, Thomas J. Elpel
  • Braiding Sweet Grass; Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • Pacific Coast Tree Finder: A Pocket Manual for Identifying Pacific Coast Trees
  • Tending the Wild, Kat Anderson


Optical Surveying
October 11-16, 205
Essential skills for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant.

PINA Calendar
Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.