Our team is available to prepare a permaculture design for your site. Combining the design and drafting talents of Karen Taylor and Melanie Mindlin with the long local expertise of Hazel, we prepare a site design for your property incorporating your goals with the permaculture possibilties for your land and home.
Information gathered during your walk-through can be used towards a permaculture design, although additional visits for seasonal observations, measurement and follow-up questions will be needed.

Siskiyou Permaculture offers a basic site walk-through, where we visit your site for a couple of hours and offer comments and advice about your opportunities and constraints. This service is available for farms, homesteads, forestry lands or suburban homes. During the walk through, we will address permaculture elements, zone and sector planning, resources and sequencing for your site.
We offer ongoing counseling on a broad range of issues including earthworks, rainwater harvesting, organic farming, forest management, zoning & land development, plant choices and placement, home design and more. We ask our clients to do the Homework for Homesteaders before a walk through.
In addition to the Permaculture Design Course, Siskiyou Permaculture offers advanced permaculture courses each year, as well as occasional design charettes, online talks and other short workshops. We are available as guest instructors, and present at permaculture convergences and other gatherings.
We strive to bring you the most affordable courses possible while honoring the time and effort of the instructors and organizers. Course participants receive certification through the Permaculture Institute of North America.
We bill by the hour for site design. Hazel’s rate is $150/hour. Melanie and Karen bill at $75/hour. Half time for travel is added when we come to your site.
Hazel’s rate for a full day of teaching or consultation is $1,000.
The fee for the two hour site walk through is $300 plus half time for travel and $150/hour for time over 2 hours.
We ask that you prepare the Homework for Homesteaders before we come so that the documents are available on site.
We will answer short questions (less than 5 minutes to respond) by email following your walk through, and are available for further counseling, assistance or follow up visits at our hourly rates.
We are available individually or as a group for guest teaching and presentations. The rates for this are somewhat negotiable. Contact us to discuss your needs.