Resource List
List of Recommended Resources
Here you will find a list of other people’s articles, videos, books, organizations and podcasts. We found these recommended resources valuable, and hope you will as well. It starts with the recommended reading we suggest for studens before the start of the PDC.
Greenward Ho!
Greenward Ho!
This is the one and only place you can buy Hazel’s first book, Greenward Ho! Herbal Home Remedies; An Ecological Approach to Sustainable Health, by Tom Ward. First published 1990.
Hazel’s Articles
Articles and Writings
Tomi Hazel Vaarde, aka Hazel Ward, was previously known as Tom Ward. Some archival writings are authored by Tom. Other writings are attributed to Hazel. The collection includes many articles printed in Permaculture Magazine, previously known as the Permaculture Activist. It seems we’ve all been around for awhile.
VIDEOS: Workshops, Talks, Stories
Videos & Recordings
Here you will find the collection of talks, workshops and interviews on video or sound recording. It includes Hazel’s talks on keyline water systems, the annual storytelling, keynotes from the Northern California and Northwest Permaculture Convergences, an interview with Melanie on Acorns. and much more.