Permaculture Design Course Curriculum

Six Weekend, Typical Curriculum


Weekend 1 ~ Introduction to the course and personal introductions. Permaculture principles, ethics and methodology. Reading the landscape. Patterns.
Topics covered: Permaculture philosophy, ethics and principles; Integral Framework, Observation skills, learning styles,whole systems thinking, patterns in the landscape, zone and sector design methodology; introductions

Weekend 2 ~ Water, Soil, Gardening
Topics covered: Water, drainage basins, irrigation, remediation, roof water and storage; Keyline, water and soil, ponds, and swales; Geology and biology of soils; Gardens, guilds, compost, succession; Urban homesteading; Seed saving; Design process and sequence; ecological assessment;

Weekend 3 ~ Trees, Appropriate Technology, Housing
Topics covered: Food forests; trees, agro-forestry, tree crops, parks, wind breaks, hedges; carbon sequestration; coppicing, maps and surveyin; wetlands; aquaculture; appropriate technology; natural building methodologies, home design, solar energy, mass and insulation, home retrofits, air flow, heating and cooling; solar assessment; zone and sector, design groups.

Weekend 4 ~ Animals, social forestry, carbon farming, geophysical regions
Topics covered: Geophysical generalities, wildlife, deserts; social forestry, local culture, woodlots; Animals, insects & pollinators; nutrient cycles, carbon farming, livestock, goats, chickens; guilds; design groups

Weekend 5 ~ Nutrient looping, Eco-villages, and Community
Topics covered: Nutrient loops, grey water, carbon sponges, extreme water care, drainage, night soil, closed loops; Communities and eco-villages, green cities, local food and medicine, invisible structures, cultural continuity and covenants.

Weekend 6 ~ Design Project Presentations. Community building and Permaculture networking.
Topics covered: Bringing the teachings into the community. Resources. Where to from here? Participant design projectpresentations.

Daily Schedule (usually):

8:30 AM Classroom open for research and questions
9:00 Check-in and announcements
9:30 First Session
10:15 Tea
10:30 Second Session
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 Outdoor Session
2:00 Fourth Session
3:00 Tea
3:30 Fifth Session
5:00 Dinner or end of weekend clean up
7-9:00 Saturday only, optional sessions (see separate flyer, may be held at a different location)


Optical Surveying
October 11-16, 205
Essential skills for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant.

PINA Calendar
Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.