This is a list for documents assembly in advance of a Permaculture Design session with Siskiyou Permaculture. A two hour walk through would give you a good idea of what your opportunities and necessities might be. Not all of these questions need answers before a design session, but this is our wish list. This is the important information needed to give good design advice. Please have your homework in hard copy at the walk through for review and reference.

Here is your homework:

1.  Get the 7-1/2 minute USGS topographic map for the area that includes your place so that we can see drainages and nearby features. Try the Nature Shop on Oak Street if you’re in Ashland which has some regional maps. Medford Builder’s Exchange (MBE) http://www.medfordbuilders.com/ will print good quality USGS topo maps on heavy paper. Also, you can go to USGS Map Locator& Downloader to download maps and to find which quadrangle you need for your site. https://store.usgs.gov/map-locator

2.  Get the soil survey sheets for your home or farm. You may also find this information on-line and print it out. We would love to see the soil types map and the text descriptions for every soil type you have.

Jackson County Property Data http://web.jacksoncounty.org/PDO/; No longer offers map layers for basic soil map and various other information. The Jackson County GIS team has developed a new interactive tool. We call it “Jackson Interactive Mapping” or “JIM” for short. You can get to JIM through this link: http://www.jacksoncounty.org/jim

NRCS Web Soil Survey http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx; Soil map gives you soil types, click on them for descriptions. Soil Data Explorer gives you soil capabilities.

3.  If you are on rural property with well water, try to get the well drilling record for your well. You may be able to find neighbor well records if there is none for your property. Try the Oregon State Water Master on line. You will need property description with tax lot number and range and tract details. http://apps.wrd.state.or.us/apps/gw/well_log/Default.aspx.

4.  A large format aerial photo of you property is extremely helpful. Some properties had aerial photos taken when they were last sold or by the County, Forest Service or BLM. You can download a free version of Google Earth Pro, which has property boundary lines. MBE can print large format Google Earth images. Ideally this photo will have lot lines superimposed on it in color. Even better is topographic lines superimposed on this photo such as 5 ft. or one meter intervals. We can then use a sheet of vellum or tracing paper as an overlay for planning or MBE can laminate the drawing and you can use a dry erase pen to sketch design ideas.

5.  If you haven’t done this yet, it is often helpful to have your local Soil and Water Conservation District visit your site. The organization in our area is Jackson County Soil and Water Conservation District. They are non-regulatory so you don’t need to worry about whether things on your site are permitted or not. The worksheet planning guide and free site visit they offer will better prepare you to use our permaculture design advice for connecting the elements and flows on your site. In Jackson County, phone: 541-664-1070; www.jswcd.org

If you are not in Jackson County, search for your Soil and Water Conservation District.

6.  We would love to see a site plan, septic field map, the neighborhood tax lot map, property description from your title insurance packet, any historical maps (Metzgers for example) and historical documents, any weather maps (rainfall patters, USFS?), any utility location maps (underground lines and pipes).

7.  If you have the documents, a utilities cost summary for the last year would help us understand energy use patterns. (water bill, electric bill, gas bill etc…)

8.  What is your familiarity with Permaculture? Have you had any courses? Can we talk permie-babble?

9.  What irrigation systems are you using or hoping to use? Do you have water rights or irrigation district access? Are you on city water?

10.  Do you have or plan to have livestock or domestic animals? What infrastructure is already in place to support them?

11.  How large is your site? What is your zoning designation? Do you need to show farm income for income tax deferment? What income has been secured in the past?

12.  What are the goals and scope of your project? Perhaps you can make a sketch or a list of elements of what you may be thinking of so far? Keep a sketchbook or journal with photos, magazine articles or sketches that inspire you.


Typical elements and features considered in designing a homestead include:

      • Solar access
      • Gardens, orchards and animal systems
      • Drainage, infiltration and pooling
      • Ponds and aquaculture
      • Water catchments, rain barrels and cisterns
      • Soil regeneration and fertility
      • Wind and storm protection and influence
      • Natural home heating, cooling and ventilation
      • Energy efficiency and household economic budgeting
      • Privacy and sound barriers
      • Native and edible landscaping
      • Beautiful and aromatic embellishments
      • Best use of local materials
      • Natural building
      • Fire protection and fuel reduction
      • Secondary forest products
      • Relative location of elements

We look forward to serving you and the earth!


Optical Surveying
October 11-16, 205
Essential skills for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant.

PINA Calendar
Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.