Contact us if you are interested in offering an introduction to permaculture taught by Siskiyou Permaculture.

Botany Up Close and Permacultural

Advanced Permaculture Course in Botany
Next Date: Unknown

This is a 6-day field intensive designed to a be an essential part of training for stewards of earth repair, practitioners of Social Forestry or simply an opportunity to delve into the world of plants. Taking a wholistic perspective, we will look at plants within their ecological and ethnobotanical contexts, exploring the eco-tones of our laboratory: the Little Applegate valley within the bio-region of the Siskiyous.

Through storytelling, drawing, plant walks, discussion and botanical survey of the micro- and macro-patterns on the landscape, we will hone our observation skills, gain fluency in identifying plants, use plant family key recognition characteristics, and build aptitude with analog plant identification resources. In this field immersion we will experience coming into relationship with the plant world with all of our senses.

Guided by permaculture ethics and principles, the universal patterns of life, we aim to cultivate attitudes of respect and reciprocity that can lead us forward as we seek to understand and steer the course of human-plant communities in the future. This course is for anyone interested in plants, permaculture, gardening, landscape design, ecological restoration, horticulture, environmental education, nature mentoring, medicinal herbs, ethnobotany, natural medicine and re-wilding. All levels welcome, some basic plant knowledge helpful.

This course is an advanced permaculture certificate course. The Permaculture Design Course is a prerequisite for getting an advanced certificate from this course. Others may have the certificate held until they have a PDC certificate. You must complete all six days of the course to get your certificate. However, the course is open to all who have a working knowledge of Permaculture terminology (“Permie Babble”.)

On the logistics page, you will see information about coming to the course and a checklist of what to bring with you.

Learning Objectives
• Use a key to identify native and introduced plants to species
• Be familiar with 16 major plant families and their key recognition characteristics
• Conduct a plant community assessment
• Map a native guild of commensal species
• Design a wild corner for you yard
• Bond with a personal plant icon via research and sitting


Optical Surveying
October 11-16, 205
Essential skills for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant.

PINA Calendar
Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.