Permaculture Design Course Curriculum

Six Weekend, Typical Curriculum


Weekend 1 ~ Introduction to the course and personal introductions. Permaculture principles, ethics and methodology. Reading the landscape. Patterns.
Topics covered: Permaculture philosophy, ethics and principles; Integral Framework, Observation skills, learning styles,whole systems thinking, patterns in the landscape, zone and sector design methodology; introductions

Weekend 2 ~ Water, Soil, Gardening
Topics covered: Water, drainage basins, irrigation, remediation, roof water and storage; Keyline, water and soil, ponds, and swales; Geology and biology of soils; Gardens, guilds, compost, succession; Urban homesteading; Seed saving; Design process and sequence; ecological assessment;

Weekend 3 ~ Trees, Appropriate Technology, Housing
Topics covered: Food forests; trees, agro-forestry, tree crops, parks, wind breaks, hedges; carbon sequestration; coppicing, maps and surveyin; wetlands; aquaculture; appropriate technology; natural building methodologies, home design, solar energy, mass and insulation, home retrofits, air flow, heating and cooling; solar assessment; zone and sector, design groups.

Weekend 4 ~ Animals, social forestry, carbon farming, geophysical regions
Topics covered: Geophysical generalities, wildlife, deserts; social forestry, local culture, woodlots; Animals, insects & pollinators; nutrient cycles, carbon farming, livestock, goats, chickens; guilds; design groups

Weekend 5 ~ Nutrient looping, Eco-villages, and Community
Topics covered: Nutrient loops, grey water, carbon sponges, extreme water care, drainage, night soil, closed loops; Communities and eco-villages, green cities, local food and medicine, invisible structures, cultural continuity and covenants.

Weekend 6 ~ Design Project Presentations. Community building and Permaculture networking.
Topics covered: Bringing the teachings into the community. Resources. Where to from here? Participant design projectpresentations.

Daily Schedule (usually):

8:30 AM Classroom open for research and questions
9:00 Check-in and announcements
9:30 First Session
10:15 Tea
10:30 Second Session
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 Outdoor Session
2:00 Fourth Session
3:00 Tea
3:30 Fifth Session
5:00 Dinner or end of weekend clean up
7-9:00 Saturday only, optional sessions (see separate flyer, may be held at a different location)


Annual Storytelling
December 7, Online

Winter Forestry Internship
December 8-16

Social Forestry
February 8-13, 2025

Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.