Going Deep Local

Annual Storytelling

2 hour talk online from Ashland, Oregon

Saturday, December 7, 2024
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Sliding scale $5 – $50

As we learn how modern times have trashed the integrity of local Places and Peoples, as we develop and practice the language and grammar to talk about what happened and how to prepare to relocalize, we benefit both from reading with the grain, studying the machine of global commerce, and against the grain, finding the human stories of Place and real on the ground orientation.

Come along for a walk through the pages and ideas, the forest, of Hzel’s 2024 reading list.

I have enjoyed reading in the Mythological Romance genre. I am learning about the various twists and turns of dealing with Hermes, the Trickster. Last year we explored Tickster Makes this World by Lewis Hyde. I find that so much of our myths and modern quandaries go back to Greek storytelling. These three books help us catalogue not completely useful ways of dealing with the trap of reaction to oppression and eco-destruction. So far I have read:

The Penelopiad, by Margaret Atwood

Circe, by Madeline Miller

A Witches Heart, by Genevieve Gomichec

Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene, Anna Tsing, et al.

Sliding Scale


Social Forestry
February 8-13, 2025
Our most popular and unique offering. 6 days in the woods with Hazel and friends.

Social Forestry Reunion
February 20-24, 2024
For alumni of Social Forestry course or internship only. If you didn’t receive an invitation, contact us.

Some great permaculture courses and events can be found at the website of the Permaculture Institute of North America Calendar.